Water Levels Presentation

Attached is the water levels presentation delivered by the IJC this week to a rather boisterous gathering of 200+ people at the Long Sault community Centre.

My take home from the presentation was that water levels are currently at records low in Lake St Lawrence despite being near normal in Lake Ontario because Lake Erie and the Upper Lakes are still well above normal and inflows from the Niagara River remain high. That water must be discharged through the St Lawrence River to avoid build up in Lake Ontario.

Water levels are lower than last year at this time because overall the LO-SLR system is lower.

IJC will provide some “relief” for boaters on Thanksgiving weekend, but that does sets up conditions for lower water levels in the following days because that water “debt” has to be repaid to meet flow targets.

I am confident Rob Caldwell (who sent me this slide deck) would meet with a small group of SYC members if we had specific concerns.


Download Presentation (PDF)

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