SYC Public Status

Stormont Yacht Club is currently closed to the general public and following social distancing and other safety guidelines as provided by the government and other organizations.  Any contractor must be escorted onto the property while also maintaining social distancing and practicing safety, by wearing PPE while performing services. The gate will remain locked at all times and the property is under camera surveillance. All members or contractors are requested to ensure they have performed self-assessment based on the link provided prior to coming to SYC.  Please obey all posted signage.

SYC is working with its landlord St Lawrence Parks Commission to arrange a safe opening while also following best practices provided through various information sources including those listed below.

  1. Sail Canada reopening guidelines –
  2. Ontario Sailing
  3. Latest information related to marinas (we are not a marina but..) –
  4. The government has also developed fact sheets for staying safe, including when and how to wear a face mask, how to take care of yourself and each other: In addition to the government directives, we must follow the recommendations of the local Eastern Ontario Health Unit.

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